Posted by : Tech Warehouse Tuesday, April 14, 2015

weight loss-=,venus factor 5Men and women are not the same. Sure, women can do all the jobs and keep all the skills of men, but biologically, they are and always will be different.
Women lose weight in a different way, and it definitely isn’t as easy.

Due to the basic evolutionary physiology, the same hormonal construction that helps women generate and transmit healthy babies also makes it harder for them to lose weight. Women need that extra fat to support healthy pregnancies.

But what about when we don’t actually need it? If we aren’t trying to grow a baby, what’s the use in holding onto an extra 10, 20 or even 50 pounds?

weight loss-=,venus factor 4We try every weight loss diet plan on the world, and become frustrated because we can’t keep the pounds off. Sometimes our partner’s support us by fasting right along with us, but that proves even more frustrating, because they drop the weight quickly and effortlessly while we struggle and fast.
It isn’t fair!

How the Venus Factor Diet Works

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Cut out harmful foods. Soy-based foods are estrogenic. Estrogen is a hormone that aids women in keeping “healthy” quantities of fat for child-bearing. Most of us have sufficient estrogen in our bodies without addition the synthetic version found in franken foods. By removing soy – soy milk, tofu, etc – from our diets, we are permitting our bodies to detoxify and go back to the amount of estrogen natural to us.

Eat clean. Processed foods are meant to last for weeks, months, or even years on the shelf. It takes a lot of chemicals to succeed that, and those chemicals interrupt your ability to tap into leptin.

Don’t starve. Cutting calories disproportionately sends signals to the body to slow metabolism and leptin production to a snail’s crawl. You have to nourish your body, not punish it.
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Work out. Do the RIGHT workouts for your goals, instead of mindless climbing on stairs to nowhere in the local gym. By building fat-burning muscle, and adequately feeding that muscle instead of starving it, your metabolism will fire up to burn even while you sleep.

Venus Factor Support

It’s hard enough to lose weight, without sentiment like you’re all alone in your struggle. Venus Factor provides a complete online system for users with a personal login to forums, articles, and valuable information on health and nutrition.

weight loss-=,venus factor forumThe tools provided will help you discover just how much you should be eating every day: you may be astonished to understand that so many of us have been literally starving our bodies in a misguided “calories in/calories out” loop. If we are undernourished, our system goes haywire trying to guard the fat we have. Check the calculator, and be astonished!
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The forums at VF are full of like-minded people all sharing the path to health and fitness. On those days
when we are overwhelmed, it’s supportive to reach out to someone who is going through the same things we are, all trying to reach the same goal. The encouragement can be just what we need to keep going.


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